Rules and regulation


Check-in Time: 2:00 pm

Check-out Time: 12:00 noon

Extra Person/ Bed: Php 300.00

Extra Hour: Php 200.00/ hour

Pet Fee: Php 300.00/ pet

  • Keep your erotic scene at home. Sexual activities in shared communities are just inappropriate.
  • If you're causing any damages, a fine is required. (Door locks, bidet, showers, cabinet, sheets, towels, etc.)
  • Lost key/keycard will charge Php 200.00
  • Visitors are allowed until 12 midnight only.
  • Above 7 years old child will be automatically charged.
  • Solo rooms can accommodate only one (1) guest.
  • Budget rooms can accommodate two (2) guests only. An additional person will be charged.
  • Executive rooms can accommodate two (2) guests only. An additional person will be charged.
  • Family rooms can accommodate five (5) guests, but one person will be charged for extra person fee.
  • Gambling or other acts that are contrary to good morals or that cause annoyance are strictly prohibited.
  • Please do not remove or alter any hotel equipment or fixtures.
  • No smoking inside the room. Our smoking area is in the parking lot at the back.